Dutch Universities and university medical centres call for investment in strong European research programme


The NFU and UNL have formulated additional recommendations for the European Horizon Europe research programme. As a leading EU programme, Horizon Europe promotes international cooperation and innovation. In view of the ongoing discussions on the continuation of Horizon Europe, the NFU and UNL present an update of their 2023 position paper.

In February 2023, Universities of the Netherlands (UNL), the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) published a position paper on the European research programme ‘Horizon Europe’. It contained recommendations for the current and future EU research programmes. Those recommendations remain relevant, yet due to current developments, this position paper deserves an update. The main messages remain the same:
- Make research and innovation a strategic priority and invest in it
- Maintain excellence and impact as core principles
- Give ample space to all European talent
- Prioritise well-functioning instruments and complete the European Research Area (ERA)
- Streamline and simplify procedures
But in addition, we also recommend:
Facilitate international cooperation, knowledge security and dual-use.
To remain competitive, we need to work together. We therefore support the association of strong research and innovation countries to the current and next framework programme. In addition, we believe that the framework programme should continue to focus on research with civilian applications.
Reform innovation strategy and promote synergy between the different pillars.
More alignment is needed between the programmes within Horizon's three pillars. We also need to ensure that we maximise the potential follow-up and exploitation of research results.
Promote inclusive and transparent partnerships.
The way the partnership programme is currently organised within Horizon Europe is very complex. The organisation of partnerships needs to be more transparent, inclusive and aligned.
The update of this position is accompanied by a call for more structural funding and support for the current and next research programme. We call on like-minded parties to support and share these messages within relevant forums.
Dutch universities are calling on anyone with ambitions towards a stronger, more sustainable and thriving Europe, to join this plea for better and structural funding for research and innovation. The Horizon framework programmes have always delivered on their promise. A strong successor –‘Horizon Forward’ would be an apt title – will be a key asset in making the European Union the most successful example of transnational cooperation. The time to act is now. There is really only one viable strategy, and that is doubling down on the best research funding this continent has ever seen.
Read the full cover letter here.
Read our updated position paper here.
Position Paper Horizon Europe and Beyond 2024
UNL & NFU Position Paper Horizon Europe and Beyond 2024 [Final].pdf
Publication -
UNL & NFU Position Paper Horizon Europe and Beyond 2024_Cover Letter_zonder accolade [Final] (1).pdf